Monday, September 17, 2007

Is Life Like Golf

I was playing in a golf tournament this last weekend with a friend in Granbury, and I realized that golf was like life.

In this tournament, you had to reach a certain score to win the event, ours was 38.5 and that was what we where looking at. Then it dawn on me that we couldn’t look at the end score, we had to look at every hole, and try to get the 2.14 per hole so we could meet our goal, and not just every hole, but one shot at a time. When we hit one shot at a time then the whole would take care of itself. We couldn’t make 38.5 points on the first hole, so we didn’t try. Each hole one shot at a time, we started out making what we needed on the 1st few holes, and then something happened, we went 3 holes without making a point. We said that’s it; we won’t make our goal. But we stayed focus and played each shot at a time and made 38 points. Didn’t win, but reached our goaled. Well almost, what’s a .05?

The thing I learned is that God knows our goal, and shows it to us at the beginning, and then helps us one day at a time to reach the end. We are not to get distracted by one or two bad shots, but know, that the whole will take care of the end.


Jesus is the whole.